Regardless of what your dog’s training needs are, The Pack Way most certainly can meet them. We provide a variety of training services to meet the needs of both; dogs requiring just basic obedience training as well as specialized training for dogs who have become unbalanced and developed behaviour issues. In addition, we believe in prevention and provide excellent puppy and beginner dog training courses, offering socialization in a safe environment under the watch of a dog behaviour expert. For those looking to challenge their dog we provide a variety of classes for trick training and sport training, which focus on giving dogs jobs. Nicole believes that any training program should be designed to meet the individual needs of both the client and their dog and her goal is provide you with the dog of your dreams – Go Anywhere, Do Anything with your Dog! is our Motto.
Clients looking to address and resolve a specific behaviour issues, such as; excessive barking, aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, obsession, etc. would benefit most from an individual one on one consultation. Through an individual consultation Nicole is quickly able to grasp the root cause of the dog’s behaviour issue, determine how the client’s own behaviour may have contributed to the issue, and identify an appropriate training strategy to resolve the issue. In most cases the training is done one on one with the client’s family and dog both present. In rare cases Nicole will recommend the dog be removed from the home temporarily to participate in The Pack Way’s extensive Dog Boot Camp program, when the dog’s issues and training needs are beyond the skill of a novice handler.